China-foreigner relationships: it gets complicated when you’re sleeping with the enemy – Book Review of Pearl Buck’s Patriot
In a perfect world, being an international couple would be as glamorous as a James Bond movie. You would spend your days intermingling your world in different languages, swept away by the fascinating customs of your partner’s country, and have the benefit of dual citizenship and a jet-setting lifestyle. It would be nice, wouldn’t it? […]
Foreign Babes in Beijing Video Clips — see Rachel DeWoskin as Jiexi
This is a companion to my Foreign Babes in Beijing Book Review — or for anyone who has read the book. If you’re dying to see what Rachel DeWoskin looked like as Jiexi, or see Louisa, Tianliang, and Tianming, this will satisfy. It’s a 16 minute clip, apparently made from a company who sells the […]
More Beijing than just Babes: Book Review of Foreign Babes in Beijing
Let’s clear up a few things first. Despite the title of Foreign Babes in Beijing — and the suggestive picture of a foreign girl in a sultry little silk black dress, fishnet hose and stilettos, towering over what seems to be her Chinese hotel fling for the evening — this is not a book about […]
Book Review: Mr. China by Tim Clissold
Mr. China: A Memoir is a book for all of us who have ever longed to “crack” the China market and Chinese culture — and come out as the ultimate “Old China Hand”. “But in the end, it’s an illusion” states the author Tim Clissold of this pursuit. He should know — he’s gotten about […]