After China Earthquake Disaster, Chinese in New York Protest Falun Gong’s Rejoicing
The China earthquake disaster has brought some interesting images out of China, but not usually protests. Apparently, instead of providing financial donations and relief help, Falun Gong has rejoiced in the wake of all of the loss and misery, saying that this is the Gods’ way of punishing the country. This video, in Mandarin Chinese, […]
Delinquency in China on the rise = a decline in social values?
The number of juvenile crimes in China has risen from 33,000 in 1998 to 80,000 in 2007, according to a BBC report. Robbery, theft, intentional injury, rape, and gang fighting are among the most frequent crimes the delinquents commit. What are the reasons behind the rising juvenile delinquency in China? This essay focuses on the […]
Still pointing your finger at China for the lead toy recalls? Not so fast…
I wrote several weeks ago about a case for Mattel apologizing to the Chinese manufacturers. In particular, I highlighted the fact that US companies often share some of the responsibility for negligence. Today, an article in the New York Times titled Lessons Even Thomas Could Learn really hits that point home. After all of the […]
When red is green: the outlook for the environmentally friendly market in China
Can red be green too — if it’s red China we’re talking about? Headlines such as “With the Olympics Looming, China Goes Green”, “China urges end to polluters’ tax breaks”, and “Greenpeace rates Apple least green, China’s Lenovo scores high” suggest a new momentum to remake China as environmentally friendly. Let’s be clear here — […]
A Harvard girl carnival: Comments on media reaction to a Chinese girl’s admission into Harvard
A girl from Shanghai named Tang Meijie — featured in the New York Times Magazine article “Re-Education” — soon became the focus of major media in China following her admission into Harvard College in December, 2004. The press talked her up as every Chinese parent’s dream child. Headlines such as “What Does Her Success Tell […]