Dragon Seed – a China story for tough economic times
Well, everyone, it’s the year of the Ox — fittingly, in these economic times, a year of getting back to basics, simplifying, and making progress through hard work and sweat. Perhaps then, days such as these, there is nothing more comforting than literature that not only understands us, but uplifts us with the resilience of […]
Buck’s East Wind: West Wind: The feminist side of the Good Earth, where foreign women married Chinese men, long before it was cool
I’m a huge fan of Pearl Buck. From the moment I opened the “House of Earth” trilogy — which includes “The Good Earth”, “Sons” and “A House Divided” — I was hooked, and devoured every word passionately. But yet, there was always one part of the book I found heartbreaking, perhaps for personal reasons. In […]
Fox…er Phoenix News Strikes Again: Overseas Chinese biggest fears – daughter marrying a black man, and a child going gay?
Phoenix News (aka 凤凰å«è§†ï¼‰is run by Rupert Murdoch, the guy behind Fox News. So maybe it should come as no surprise that, in the aftermath of the election, it decides to drag on a couple of pundits from California, professors both representing the overseas Chinese population, to spread a little more hatred and division on […]