2 Appreciated Responses

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  1. Tiffany Weiland
    Tiffany Weiland September 5, 2007 at 10:45 am |

    Interesting observation!! I think Chinese women are groomed to defend for their husbands, right or wrong, I witnessed my mother protecting my father for the same reason, she was a nurse, she knew the danger of smoking and 2nd hand smoke…yet, it was my dad’s social position she tried to defend when someone asked my father to put out a cigarette. Often time, women’s status are tied to their husbands and how their “tie” are displayed in public.

  2. Eric Wiley
    Eric Wiley September 12, 2007 at 10:30 am |

    I used to bartend at a high-end lounge in Chicago. Our regular clients lived in the high rises along the north side of the miracle mile. One of them was a man named Anthony. He was working on becoming the first American cigarette company to have its cigarettes manufactured in China. He thought Marlboro Reds were delicious.

    That’s my comment. 🙂

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