The Wu Way in the News: we’re starting a writer’s group in Pocatello, Idaho
I got a call from an Idaho State Journal journalist on Friday, January 2 about the writer’s group I’m starting in Pocatello. Well, lo and behold, the next day, there was the story in the paper (these guys work fast!). Here’s the full story, for posterity: New writers’ group formed here POCATELLO — Jocelyn Eikenburg […]
We’re not just about China and Chinese translation…we do some great, plain-old writing projects too!
Hi all! It’s been a while since we’ve been on the blog, with our move to Pocatello, Idaho. Thought I’d dig into the mailbox and respond to what’s becoming a Frequently Asked Question. This comes from my friend Joel here in Pocatello as well: Do you focus solely on Chinese culture and translations or do […]